Timid to Tiger
Upcoming dates
Keep your eyes peeled for future dates, or check below for Timid to Tiger Together dates!
Please send all enquiries to parenting@justdropin.co.uk
Course Information
Timid to Tiger is an entirely parenting-based approach to managing anxiety in children (available to parents of children aged 8-11). It is based on evidence that anxious children benefit substantially from a parenting style that is clear, calm and consistent.
The group aims to explore the role of anxiety within a family and how it develops. It is run weekly over an 8 week period:
1. Introduction to the program
2. Securing the parent-child bond through non-directive play
3. Understanding your child’s anxiety
4. Using praise to build children’s confidence and using rewards to help your child’s motivation
5. Setting limits on anxious children’s behaviour and using withdrawal of attention to manage children’s behaviour
6. Managing worry
7. Managing really difficult behaviour
8. Review and celebration
Timid to Tiger Together
Timid to Tiger Together is a family-based intervention for parents and carers of children aged 8-11 yrs suffering with anxiety to attend together.
Upcoming dates
Starting Wednesday 29th January for 8 weeks, 4:30pm-6pm (no session on 19th Feb for half term.)
At All Hallows, Brooklands Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 8LB.
Please send all enquiries to parenting@justdropin.co.uk