footFunders & Fundraising

As a registered charity (number 1081416) Just Drop-In relies on a wide range of funding sources in order to provide its high quality and in demand services for free.

We rely on individual donations, business donations and fundraising activities in order to deliver much of our work.

Click below to see how we do this, and how you might be able to help!


We were impressed with how quickly you have managed to get the scheme off the ground

Fundraise For Us

Fancy sitting in a bath of custard?!

Perhaps you could help us out at a fundraising event such as the Macclesfield Bikeathon.

Or do you have your own fantastic ideas?

If so please contact us and we will do what we can to support you to bring your idea to life.


Set up your own Fundraiser for Just Drop-In here:

Corporate Donations and Trust Funds

We believe in the power of collaboration to be a force for good when it comes to children and young people in our community. Corporate Giving and Corporate Partnerships are fundamental to sustaining our work. Your support in these ways creates an opportunity to work with us to help and support children & young people who are finding life hard.  We have a heartfelt commitment to improve their mental health and wellbeing, helping them to find their feet, to grow to their full potential as individuals and live fulfilled lives as members of their communities.


If your company, organisation or business shares these objectives and is passionate about helping children and young people in this way, we’d love to hear from you and receive your support.


Just Drop-In works in partnership with many statutory and voluntary sector organisations and encourages new or established agencies to get in touch with any ideas on how we can work together to benefit the local community.

Donate To Us

We accept both one-off and regular donations through our Enthuse page:!/


You can also donate to us for free using Easy Fundraising every time you shop online. Just choose Just Drop-In as your cause using this link: Just Drop-In – Macclesfield Fundraising | Easyfundraising


We also accept other donations such as tea and coffee, or raffle prizes, which can be dropped in at reception.

Fundraising Committee

Our friends and volunteers work tirelessly to help raise money for our charitable work!


If you could spend a few hours every now and then, then why not join our fundraising committee?


Our work is made possible due the funding provided by the following funding sources. We pride ourselves on being reliable and trustworthy partners who deliver value for money and bring about change for our service beneficiaries.

You and your team do a consistently superb job supporting young people to get active. It’s a real pleasure to see our young people putting something back into their community and having fun along the way

Just Drop In Form

Fill in a form and we will come back to you

    First name of young person

    Surname of young person

    Name of parent/carer (if applicable).
    PLEASE NOTE: We only take referrals directly from young people and families, NOT external organisations, including GP surgeries.

    Young person's DOB
    PLEASE NOTE: Counselling and Mentoring is only for young people aged 14+



    Preferred Method of Contact

    If your preferred method of contact is a phone call, please let us know a good time for us to call you

    Young Person's Address

    Young Person's Postcode

    School/College (if applicable)

    GP Surgery

    Service (please click inside box below to select a service)

    Does the young person know about and consent to the referral?

    Reason for referral

    Accessing another service? (e.g.: CAMHS, Talking Therapies, etc)

    If yes, please provide name of organisation and referral reason

    Has the young person accessed a crisis service in the past 3 months? (e.g.: Crisis Line, A&E, etc)

    If yes, please provide details

    Is the young person waiting for an assessment with the Mental Health Hub/CAMHS?

    If yes, provide details

    Household in receipt of benefits?

    Are you happy to be added to the JDI mailing list to keep you informed of all the services we offer and when?

    We will only use the data you have submitted to contact you in response to this form in accordance with our Privacy Policy.Click here to view our Privacy Policy

    Our duty to ensure your safety and the safety of others is paramount. If we believe you or someone else is at immediate risk of harm as a result of the information you provide in your enquiry, we may need to take additional action. If you are unsure, you can ring us and talk through our confidentiality policy.

    Please note, replies to this form will come from which might go into spam/junk folders. We will aim to respond to you within 5 working days. Please do not use this form in a time of crisis, and follow the time of crisis button on the website instead.

    Just Drop In


    01625 665079

    07718 425405

    Use Social Media

    Or Just Drop In

    15 Brook Street Macclesfield SK11 7AA

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