About Us
The Drop-In first opened on Chestergate, Macclesfield in late 2001 operating as a one-stop-shop offering information and support. We moved to Great King Street five years later and to the Duke Street premises in 2011. Responding to need, Just Drop-In introduced a free counselling service. In 2012 MyPad was developed to help build skills for healthy and independent living. 2017 saw the introduction of the Foundations Service, providing early help and friendship groups for our younger clients. In January 2022 we moved to our new home at Brook Street. Just Drop-In also provides a range of exciting projects that change in response to identified needs within the community.

For over two decades Just Drop-In has established an excellent reputation for the quality of its support for young people in Macclesfield.
Charitable Purpose:
We are here to help and support children and young people who are finding life hard. We have a heartfelt commitment to improve their mental health and wellbeing, helping them to find their feet.
Across all of our services we seek to:
*Remove red tape and to promote quick and easy access.
*Ensure our work is outcome focused, based on best evidence and built around need.
*Provide a person centred, professional, transparent and accountable approach.
*Promote and value our localism, celebrating community involvement and volunteering.
*Reduce stigma, promote resilience and seek to intervene early where ever possible.
*Encourage young people to have a voice and actively participate in the life of the charity.